Friday, February 4, 2011

2-4-11 Growing Pains

Conrad was crying in the night with pains in his legs. This has happened a handful of times and I hate it. There's hardly anything I can do for him. We always try the heating pad, massaging his legs, and last night we prayed. When he felt better, he told me God healed him.

Caden is cutting his second bottom tooth. He's miserable and he seems to be refusing to be miserable alone and wants to take us down with him. he was up in the night too. Poor baby is drooling and chewing on everything he can get his gums on. He also has dry, cracked lips. I read online that maybe he's not well-hydrated. This is possible, he's not taking his bottle very well lately. I poured him a sippy cup and now I think I should have filled it with juice instead of water. I'll do that tomorrow. I also read the suggestion to put lanolin on his lips. I had two extra tubes of this lying around from my nursing days. Never needed the lanolin for that, so it finally got some use! So, I'm keeping his lips dry, sippy cup full and applying lanolin before he goes to sleep. My easy baby was a bit high maintenance today.

Caden is going to crawl any minute now. I watch him closely and he gets through the motion and I think, that's it, he did it. But crawling isn't the kind of thing where the baby does it once. Either he's crawling or he's not. I have to say, he's not.

Max continues to warm my heart by doing things like leaning close to me and saying, "I kiss you". He has also been insisting on using the potty so I set up a potty chair. When I say that Max insists on something, I don't think I properly convey the urgency and desperation that comes across. He's hard to turn down!

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