Conrad has his second gig as a ring-bearer today. He was adorable and did a great job. He doesn't remember being a ring-bearer before, but he was in my brother's wedding when he was only 17-months old. This time, Conrad walked down the aisle all by himself. . .
He protested being the ring-bearer right up until it was time to do it. It really goes against his personality type to enjoy walking down an aisle with a church full of people looking at him - let alone snapping pictures! With the promise of Daddy being at the front of the church with licorice, Conrad was ready to make the journey down the aisle. I stood in the back with him completely swept up in the emotions of a wedding. I whispered to Con that someday he was going to have a wedding and get married. He whispered back, "Yea, to you." Just when I thought my love cup was full, a little bit more of love went in.
While most people's attention was on the beautiful (inside and out!)bride, I kept looking at the groom's mom. I'm pretty sure that she didn't take her eyes of off the groom the whole time. And she wasn't teary, she was smiling ear to ear the whole time. I hope that's how I am when I am the mother-of-the-groom: full of joy, love, and pride when my boys vow to be married.
After spending the first part of the day at a wedding, we went to church in the evening and guess what the topic was. Marriage. Joe and I have been married for 10 years this summer. I've had a lot of conversations about marriage, listened to a lot of sermons and speakers on marriage, and read a fair share of books on the mystifying act. Tonight's sermon focused on a theme that I heard a hairdresser tell my friend on the day of her wedding:
commit to being committed.
At the end of the sermon, our pastor invited every couple to come forward if they would like to renew their vows. About 100, maybe 200, went up. I figured Joe would think this was cheesy, but we did it. I looked straight into Joe's eyes and reaffirmed the vow that I made to him 10 years ago. This time I knew exactly what those words could mean. There was nothing abstract about what "better" and "worse" and there was nothing more literal than "in sickness" and "in health". I realized how much my heart has grown in the last decade and noticed that it's weathered a bit. I guess that actually helps it work better.