The darlings are nestled all snug in their beds while visions of frosted cake swirl in their heads!
Just as I got too old for my own birthdays to bring excitement, I had kids. Now the night before the boys turn a year older, I can hardly sleep. Tonight I frosted a cake and have Lenny, Tuck and Ming-Ming ready to adorn it, filled Caden's room with balloons (always afraid one will pop in the night!!), and I made a sweet little "2" party hat for Caden. Click here for a simple tutorial and template to make your own personalized party hat.
It's hard to sleep when you're trying to think of a way to keep your baby a baby. . .
We have the book God Gave Us You. The first time I read it the boys were snuggled on my lap and the book made me cry. I shelved it for a while. Now we read it the night before each of the boys' birthdays. Caden spared me some tears and was more interested in talking about each picture than hearing the words that echo my heart about longing for each of my babies and bonding with them during nine months of body and soul connection. I heard Tracey DeGraaf liken motherhood to allowing your heart to wonder outside of your body. Tracey mostly makes me laugh, but this was deep and it resonated with me to the core of my being. It gets a little harder as the boys get a little older. They can wonder a little further.
I'm gradually coming to terms with the reality that my babies do have to grow up. They each have their own divine purpose to fulfill and foundations are meant to be built on.
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