I loved today. It was crammed full, but of all good things. I've been reading up on the Montessori Method -- not the first time I've done this -- and I've been trying to implement a few things. The first thing I did was create a sensory box. I filled the box with pinto beans and Pirate treasure: coins, rings, jewels, and necklaces. It was a little bit surprising how much time they spent scooping and hiding and finding the treasure. I do have to buy a couple of hand brooms. . . the beans went on the floor and Maria Montessori would have expected this and considered it part of the experience, but she didn't have Caden crawling around on the floor! The sensory box was also a vocabulary builder; Conrad and Max both used unexpected words. They just enjoyed the newness of the activity.
Next? A trip to Jewel for whole wheat flour so we could bake some bread. My sister- in-law introduced me to a recipe for a light, airy, soft bread that I begged to have the recipe for. It is delicious and you don't even have to knead it!!
After a lovely visit from a friend, Max and Caden snoozed while Conrad and I were cooking maniacs. We got dinner rolling (crockpot turkey sloppy joe's, salad and potato wedges). Conrad chopped the green peppers; he's fun to have as a helper. He makes fun conversation and tries his best at everything. He's a pretty capable little guy. I took pics of every step of our baking so that we can use them for sequence cards. Then, it was on to baking cookies. . . the favorite cookie in our home is Nestle chocolate chip cookies. Max woke up to join us for this leg of our cooking antics and he jumped right in. Max loves to laugh and he adds humor to whatever we're doing. It's practically painful for the boys to keep their paws out of the batter!
After dinner, Caden and Max did some finger stamping and coloring with markers. Caden created his first masterpiece. He also showed how serious he was about nobody taking away his markers. Caden's a boisterous little fellow and does not stand for his brothers to take his things away from him. Sweet boy, but no push over.
Max has perfect timing on when he says, "Mom, you da best." He gets me every time. What a great day with my boys. Now they're fast asleep energizing for tomorrow. I really should be doing the same.
It's hard to sleep when you get really good news late at night. My niece entered the world today and tomorrow I will hold her and meet her for the first time. Happy Birthday Baby Girl. What a wonderful day!